They also changed the material on the side of the shoe to said "fake" leather stuff. Stickers themselves are very good quality, my shoes have great looking soles after applying the stickers (please note the soles should be unworn before placing the stickers). nike dunk low light bone tropical twist These seemed right on. In no way am I saying they are appropriate for all leg braces but i was very happy they fit around his. nike dunk low light bone tropical twist The glow is barely visible but does somewhat work. nike dunk low light bone tropical twist Nice color scheme: good fit and price is great! I was once a loyal Crocs supporter but now will have to look else where for my shoes. Je suis content de cet achat. nike dunk low light bone tropical twist I have been a size 9 for my entire adult life, never bigger and never smaller, so shoe shopping is usually very easy for me. Good quality; cant wait to try them
nike dunk low light bone tropical twist