Auch sieht es nicht crazy aus, wenn noch schwarze Socken getragen werden, zur Arbeit würde ich dann damit auch nicht gehen :-) ,aber sehrwohl ins Fitneßstudio, wo mir manchmal die heißen Füße in festen Turnschuhen qualmen. Great stretch! krabs kyries The quality of the music with this headphones is not 100%great but still is a very good experience. No flimsy shaky crankiness. krabs kyries The top part of the shoes is super cute. krabs kyries I usually wear an 11EEEE in New Balance; I ordered the 10EEEE based on other comments. I was not too sure about the padding on this shoe and since the look of them was crushed and rather pathetic I was not reassured. I dont want to be unfair because I have worn the heck out of these things (much more than I wore the Slap IIs), but its only been less than two months and its about time to replace them before they fail. krabs kyries Hardware and value is actually well beyond comparable $99 up to probably $219 bose or JBL or other high end brand speakers! Third the part of the controller that sits in your hand has a ridge that runs right between the thumb and first finger.
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