My only issue so far is not the manufactures fault but the fact that I have a small head so they are almost big on me. 60Please see the photos. elf on the shelf slippers It can hold a lot of stuff with large capacity. Der Pantoffel passt zwar von der Größe her, aber ich hatte ihn mir gezielt als Nachfolger für mein in die Jahre gekommenes altes Lieblings-Fitflop-Modell gekauft. elf on the shelf slippers And my Mom clients just love them! elf on the shelf slippers And I wore them out in four months. Originally, I always had us set up with the subwoofer usually from brands from Vizio. Be careful on not stripping the torx bolts. elf on the shelf slippers Mic:Average, just like any other earphones in this price point but I can say that its not bad. Thank you for making such an amazing product.
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