Half way through my shift, my feet were aching mercilessly and I was miserable. Not comfortable, they squish the foot and have little to no padding. rosalie 13 josef seibel My toes would have been at the tip of the size 7. I like that I was able to find a pair in white to match my phone. rosalie 13 josef seibel I’m a women size 7 and it can easily fit 5 pairs per rack. rosalie 13 josef seibel These work perfectly for my Turtle Beach X31 headset after I was having some audio issues with the last Talkback cable. Its a hard one to beat and I definitely recommend it and think you should seriously consider this if you are in the market and this is within your budget. Im gonna get 2 more pair so that all 3 of my laptops have their own pair. rosalie 13 josef seibel Very sturdy, being able to hang several items on it using just the anchors and not studs. They arrived with a bunch of loose threads and strings.
rosalie 13 josef seibel