I don’t know what our walls are made out of but nothing stays in them, even with anchors, so all of our towel hooks before this have been pulled out of the wall leaving gaping holes in my bathroom wall. Well done to all. does using a waist trimmer belt work I bought this after my girlfriend recommended it. Ill probably do away with the pockets and still use it for the internal pockets, but if its going to fall apart like that, Ill find another shoe solution. does using a waist trimmer belt work A stud would have been a better choice does using a waist trimmer belt work ) And much cheaper! Horrible doesn’t stick at all waste of money ! I also did numerous web searches and the Wi-Fi call option is not where it is shown on the videos. does using a waist trimmer belt work Then again, for the price it’s satisfactory. The whole unit attaches very quickly to the handlebars by turning the knob.
does using a waist trimmer belt work