I thought they were tight compared to the way my old ones fit so I returned them and bought an 8, especially after reading so many reviews to size up. Besitzt das eigenen Smartphone wie z. nb x casablanca Would not recommend for breakable or “dear to your heart” objects/items. But what it really does is wreck the sound🙁I’ll include pictures that I hope will be clear enough to show the speaker. nb x casablanca E contentissima e, detto da lei, sono comodissime. nb x casablanca Absolutely ADORE this dress. That is partly my fault for not measuring. For voice calls, FaceTime, and zoom meetings Nobody seemed to have any issues hearing me and I could carry conversations just fine. nb x casablanca Unfortunately by the end of December the right earphone doesn’t work and the left is very low. I strongly recommend it as it is also very sturdy.
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