Some of the bags look smaller than others but trust me, you get your moneys worth. Our headphones case had no “Beats” logo on it as shown in the pictures, nor did our charging cord. blau de chanel That being said, by no means is the jabra uncomfortable (the sony and the bose are just more comfortable). So far the smallest quantity for purchase is a set of three. blau de chanel Imagine sending a returned, used, scorched set out to a new buyer? Disgusting. blau de chanel Im really not sure why the reviews on this are generally pretty good. The Roomyrocs, though, have never had this problem. 10 seconds later he says "Oh crap they are better". blau de chanel Lo primero que me motivó a comprar este producto fueron las opiniones de las personas que hablablan de su impresionante capacidad para aislar el ruido externo, sin embargo creo que esas opiniones son un tanto exageradas ya que si pretendes escuchar música aun puedes escuchar mucho del parloteo a tu alrrededor por lo que es mas efectivo escuchar un sonido constante como ruido blanco para alcanzar un aislamiento efectivo, yo no tengo mucho problema ya que eso es precisamente lo que usualmente escucho I told her throw them in the trash.
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