Ich hatte schon zwei Mal Pech und darf mich jetzt also wieder mal auf den Weg machen, um den falschen Schuh zurückzuschicken. It is now a staple for me. chanel 5 50 ml The shoes are nice and sofe. The reviews are kind of deceiving. chanel 5 50 ml Standing right next to the speaker at max volume you could carry on a conversation only slightly raising your voice. chanel 5 50 ml Volume control is terrible. This is my second pair of Mandalyn Wedge Tevas. The reason Im writing this review is because of*battery life". chanel 5 50 ml The only reason why I left off star because it has a white scuff mark but with a little black sharpie I can cover so no problem. Tolles Material,tolle Verarbeitumg!
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