)My complaints about the base can be remediated:[-] The base is meant to be folded, however the placement of the foam feet inserts on the bottom (pictured) were not spaced to provide the best weight distribution. Logitech stand für mich immer für Qualität, weil ich nie Probleme damit hatte aber diese neue Version der Maus ist lächerlich. lancome paris midnight rose Since I wear it only for use in the shower, it is of minor concern for being a bit smaller but nothing to be too worried. She is almost 4. lancome paris midnight rose The product is not perfect; the tracking of the controllers (specifically the PS controller) and the headset can be wonky at times, with floating issues and regular recalibration needed. lancome paris midnight rose This is a matte plastic frame. NO STARS would be a more accurate rating or negative stars! Its loud and you really cant hear your surroundings bad thing is you gotta be with your phone the whole time, if your just a few feets away you get alot of static, I was able to return it and get my money back without a problem. lancome paris midnight rose Still well worth the money. I dont need all the high end bells and whistles so the phone does everything I need for It is an amazing budget phone.
lancome paris midnight rose