I did not check my time for assembly as I was doing things in between but it was fairly simple. About the noise of the car we heard it too but we realized its because of the non skid pad that we also buy my husban just fold it in and the noise was gone so just cut it a bit smaller from the bag size and also tigth the strap to prevent the noise too. 796054cz worth the money. There are adapters for that kind of thing if you really need USB that badly. 796054cz Wore them 9 hours at work, on my feet almost all day then went grocery shopping after and my feet do not hurt! 796054cz Or two road bikes, but I do doubt it. Hoping I just got a bum pair I chose to replace them through Amazon. En ese sentido su desempeño es muy muy pobre. 796054cz Apparently I was past the return period so Amazon would not refund or even offer to pay for repair. Dicho esto, jamás dirás "Hmmm, podría ser más ruidosa" o "Podría ser mejor en su categoria a este precio".