Length: This cord had plenty of length with several feet to enable this connection. Calidad regular, mas o menos comodo, peso ligero, sonido regular, precio algo elevado para el producto danner x patagonia Bought it to hang baseball caps. They are a quarter size too big. danner x patagonia I like the jbl duet mini but the The neck clip keeps breaking I have gone through 5 of them In the past year of owning them if I want to talk through the microphone i usually just shut them off because it’s kind of muffled but the sound quality is awesome the noise cancellation is amazing I work with a loud equipment and can barely hear anything but the music and after a year the wire between the headphones and the microphone is starting to come loose so I am on the fence between the net clip danner x patagonia Haven’t been able to wear running shoes for years till these. Can’t go wrong with the price either. Go figure! danner x patagonia By the end of a 2 hour rehearsal, my feet have swollen and that little extra room works for me. (Please note, this case does not support wireless charging).
danner x patagonia