I suspect the reviews raving about them havent waited long enough. I found footsteps to be very easily heard which helps a ton. brett kavanaugh's Der Klang ist klar und differenziert, es fehlt aber an Power und einer höheren Lautstärke. BRAVO! brett kavanaugh's At some point, it all comes apart and sends the phone flying. brett kavanaugh's I’m very gadget savy, I started computers back in the days of DOS 5. So in total, it is 36 W per light. Ive wrapped it in a thin plastic bag to keep it clean though while biking, which doesnt affect audio at all. brett kavanaugh's I listen to audiobooks while I work every day, and Im a dog groomer so they also take a beating getting wet and dropped often. Secondly the instructions were a little off but its not to the point where you cant figure it out yourself.
brett kavanaugh's