They are good value for money On the other side of that, inside the shoe, there is no padding at all — just the piece of plastic covered by a label. ibkul xl So far pretty impressed with the product. I wanted 4 pairs for a family member who was about to undergo surgery and would have a long convalescence. ibkul xl As such, I can write the review I was hoping and expecting to write about these earbuds:I bought these mainly for the battery life. ibkul xl Bass is good but that’s it. and trying to find a new pair of slippers has been awful. I am a woman of a certain age who listens to audible books on a very regular basis and who has what they not-so-subtly refer to as "age related hearing loss. ibkul xl These are NOT junk. I got size 5-6 toddler for my 14 month old and it’s just right.
ibkul xl