I’m new to squatting, olympic bar hurts my neck and shoulder. I almost sent this back due to the discomfort, but got used to it enough for an hour or so at a time. 1.5 to eu Go with a weight tree to sit beside the squat rack. It was cheap, easy to use and allowed me to hang front tag in a pristine Mercedes I got that I could not bear to drill a hole in! 1.5 to eu Make sure you dont clamp on cables, water bottle bosses, or non-round tube sections, as would be the case with any stand using this type of clamp. 1.5 to eu I did spend about another 45 minutes though before installing to do the measuring. For $15, I expected more. Be careful who you order from 1.5 to eu These are pretty to maybe just wear at the pool for a short period of time. I have knee pain too and did good with them!
1.5 to eu