they are very cute and they have red blue and green which can flash simultaneously or by themselves. returned them. midnight blue tux with black lapel So if you have a bigger head, and dont want to spend $200-300 on a similar quality bigger name brand, absolutely buy them. The foot bed is comfortable, so it’s a shame that the body of the shoe is not. midnight blue tux with black lapel What good is excellent noise cancelling on headphones that dont get used because they are too uncomfortable to wear? My criterion for ANC is whether the headphones can put a significant dent in the ambient noise that I feel a sense of relief and Im able to concentrate and enjoy the music. midnight blue tux with black lapel Less than a month I bought two pair. As it’s a large spike, the ear and the mind cannot adapt it’s disparity to the surrounding high frequencies, and so it sounds unnatural, sizzling and annoying - it never ‘goes away’. Mustache distortion of this lens is very well corrected in RAW, jpeg shooters may want to look elsewhere. midnight blue tux with black lapel Great rumble, though since theyre new the thumb sticks are a bit tough but will loosen once used more. And on both the Red and Blue, I had quite severe inner groove distortion.
midnight blue tux with black lapel