Sehr schade und wenn man den Foren glaubt: eigentlich ein Software/Firmware Thema. These shoes are not good for a slippery floor in the kitchen it does say non slip it’s a lie & the bottom of the shoes has a little weight in them 🤦🏻 I would give it a 5 🌟 if the non slip part was great 👍🏼 & yes I would order a different color shoes are nice don’t get me wrong. kd 12 goat These are comfortable and have the versatility of having both Bluetooth and wired connection to my phone. Hope these hold up to last for awhile. kd 12 goat Great light scent too. kd 12 goat Estos pequeñines son desconocidos en Amazon españa, pero en USA tienen más de 800 votos con 5 estrellas. A modern design that throws out the worries of " will it stay up " out the window I mounted it on a tiled surface , its rock solid, And looks good. 2020 ADDENDUMI put my old black Regals out to pasture & got out the spare I bought a year ago. kd 12 goat I like the concept of this product BUT the material tends to tear VERY easily. I sweat a lot its only my second day wearing it and it takes about an hour to feel warm straight out the package.
kd 12 goat