Ich weiß nicht, wie man auf die Idee kommt jemanden, der gutes Geld für gute Kopfhörer ausgibt mit Dauerpipen auf niedrigen Batteriestand aufmerksam zu machen. Just don’t buy this. agnostic front merch They are great for sports - they won’t fall apart. The Hero feels slightly smoother (if Im not just fooling myself), but performance-wise theyre identical from what I can tell. agnostic front merch Please advise? agnostic front merch I have hearing loss in upper mids / high-end, and I cant image how someone with good hearing could stand these. At first I was put off from this, but after extended use, I have never felt a headset more breathable. Tonearm lift control lever: This is my only gripe. agnostic front merch When I forced it it made the AirPods uncomfortably in my ear and it didn’t hold it in my ear. I had my grandson and son-in-law try them out for a few hours.
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