5 stars overall. Ich habe mich bewusst für die B&O H3 entschieden, da in vielen Produktrezensionen und Youtube Videos von einer naturgetreuen Klangwiedergabe zu lesen/hören war und ich diese übertriebenen Bässe wie ich sie von meinen viel günstigeren AKG On-Ear Kopfhörern kenne nicht so sehr mag. balmain t shirt etsy This is my first 70 dollar pair and by far the best. shoes came on my friday after work so wore them around over my weekend to break em in. balmain t shirt etsy The bright color assures that we cant miss them, either! balmain t shirt etsy Overall very happy with these. Shoe rack is very sturdy and looks nice. However the plastic feels strong and sturdy, in fact, the whole headphone feels like it is of good quality. balmain t shirt etsy I did it and was so surprised! So, a few weeks ago, I was torn between this style (toe loop) and the less taught style with only a strap across the top of the foot.
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