These slippers appear to be well made. Bought for my 11 year old son for remote learning back in August. button cardigans Fits great, and looks cute on! It doesn’t look cheesy or plastic at all. button cardigans It sturdy and very pretty! button cardigans The Bluetooth on that is fine streaming up to 20m and has never stuttered, the battery life lasts forever and audio quality is fine for podcasts and general youtube/music listening. There is nothing not to like about this strap gives it a grate look and feel to my Tudor watch. Sturdy, attractive to look at, very easy to assemble. button cardigans I wish they worked. You’re not going to get stereo by using 2 speakers 3 inches apart like on the last model and as for separation, this mono speaker separates just fine if not better than the last model especially in mid to lows.
button cardigans