Since these were purchased online and only came with a 30 day return window, I reached out to Keen and filed a claim with them. I really like the setup. nike force 1 mid 07 Needless to say, I did NOT wear these to Universal Studios! good looks. nike force 1 mid 07 sono stati ineccepibili, velocissima la risposta velocissimi per la risoluzione del problema. nike force 1 mid 07 I haven’t had the 💨 sound problem others have described, thankfully, but they do run really small. The charging port is under a cap and well hidden from any moisture, so Im confident sweating at the gym or running in the rain wont bother it. The wire was extremely finicky where the cord connects to the plug, so much so that I couldnt use unless I was not moving, and had the cord pinched in one exact position. nike force 1 mid 07 Fits into limited area, yet shows good amount of product. 以前使用していたイヤホンが断線してしまったため、こちらを購入。音質に関してはソニーなので間違いないですね。特に、コードの絡みにくさは今まで使ってきた中で一番です。カバンの中に入れていても絡まずにするすると出てくるので気持ちいい。イヤーピースが取れにくいのも嬉しい。しかし1ヶ月ほど使用していたらSONYのロゴが剥げてきてしまいました。悲しい。また、コードの長さを調整するアジャスターが若干固いのが断線しそうで不安になります。それでも手軽さと音質とのバランスのとれたいい商品だと思います。
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