IT cheked the boxes for the sound and the comfortably, but the sound. A malinquore le sto rendendo, perche? Premetto che tempo fa presi le precedenti Px e dovetti renderle perché perdevano facilmente il sigillo dei padiglioni con conseguente drastico calo delle prestazioni audio con bassi azzerati (suono "scatolato" orribile) e siccome io porto gli occhiali, anche questa condizione comporta quel problema, erano non adatte a me. overhemd casual Fairly comfortable to wear. They come whit damegge overhemd casual Great feel of quality, allFamily use it . overhemd casual I owned mine for a couple days now. The objective is to have comfortable feet. Throw one into your laptop/book bag, your purse/murse, your desk drawer. overhemd casual 0 plates and the tight tolerance on these bumper plates do not allow them to fit over the plastic sleeves on this racks storage posts. I will be sure to never buy from them again.
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