Which fit exactly right today. These guys make a really nice product it will fit any phone I cant imagine what these people are talkin about saying that it stretches so far that the rubber turns white and theyre afraid its going to break what are they putting on here that 10 in tablets I have a note 4 its a big phone with a big case and it fits it beautifully in fact it will fit any phone I had the S 20 Ultra Envy Note 10 plus G5 all of them would fit on this easily the 360 degree spinning motion is solid and will last a long reindeerboob L’unico difetto è che dopo un po’, essendo la parte superiore di stoffa rigida, si sono sfilacciati un po’ i bordi 🥴. Yo personalmente encuentro MIUI innecesario, no es malo pero viene con apps que rara vez utilizarás por que no son nada que Google no te ofrezca una version superior (Y estas usando Android), una que otra aplicación es util de vez en cuando pero la mayoria cae en "quiero desinstalarla" y puedes rescindirde ellas completamente sin efectos secundarios en el uso del telefono. reindeerboob Very bad quality and workmanship . reindeerboob Ein stimmiges Gesamtpaket bei dem man mit einem Kauf nichts falsch machen kann. Si funcionan muy bien en el aspecto de impermeables, pero no transpiran. I have dumbbells ranging in size from 3-50lb and have weight rack to keep them on but all would not fit. reindeerboob If I where you I’d go up a 1/2 size I’m a true 8 1/2 all day long ! Of course I take care of them.