It seems like these would be a good replacement for the oob silicon eartips if the air pods already work well, fit well , etc. See photos attached. small girl clothes design The fastener has an odd shape--like its supposed to fit on a square handle bar, that has rounded edges. I tried these for a couple of days before I did this review. small girl clothes design I have worn these all winter in the house since June of 2019 & they are still holding up. small girl clothes design It also easy to install, no tools required. Where as my Anker pair (I alternate between them) is still going strong. Overall, Id like to shout out a Great Job from the seller Ive received from and would like to purchase from them again for any other pheriperals in great refurbished condition. small girl clothes design Ill be taking these shoes out of the rotation. I thought it was maybe due to a rip error, but I tried with cdEx and EAC and both gave the same distortion and both had 0 CRC errors.
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