The insoles were ripped out, the soles had holes in them, you could see on the packaging where someone else had already returned them (possibly after wearing them for years! Fabric is okay, I expect this dress to hold up through 10 or so wearings. t shirt dr martens When open one, I have to hold the rest so that they dont move all together. Its great to be able to burn some extra calories, but it also feels a lot more immersive to move your feet to walk/run in VR. t shirt dr martens Its surprisingly sturdy and holds alot of weight but Im disappointed in the height for the coat rack. t shirt dr martens UPDATE: The company refunded me immediately after this review posted. They do not look cheep, the little details at the closures make them look more expensive and they’re obviously well made. The backs aren’t as tall as the picture shows,shoes fall off all the time t shirt dr martens They are super comfortable and the fit is perfect. The foam being used in these is not nearly as good as it used to be.
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