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Im guessing this is from the pivoting I do at work. The left one started to work but it fades in and out then goes blank. new nepure kf94 Dont buy they stated that it comes with a dongle but it doesnt and if your like me trying to connect to a desktop you wont qith these you need to buy something extra it would be better to go with someone else like turtle Beach hyperx corsair basically everyone else but razer is trying to rob you so dont buy And it looks attractive too. new nepure kf94 Then the leather ear parts started peeling so I just took it off and put some cheap ear muffs on it. new nepure kf94 I had very realistic expectations and in which areas I expected to hear improvements. I read the reviews most were ok and the few said it was junk the rollers and all was crap was right . The only shoes I wear now are Alegria. new nepure kf94 RAZER製品のKRAKENを使っていましたが、マイクの音質が悪いと友達から言われたために購入。1か月使用したレビューです。控えめに言って、 最高 です。特に感じたのは音質とミュート機能のありがたさ。音質に関しては、単一指向にしてるとちょっとした物音でも聞こえちゃうらしいです。聞こえる範囲は設定できるらしいんですが、よくわからないです。友達曰く「国営と民放くらい違う」だそうです。よくわからないです。ミュート機能にはだいぶお世話になっています。ゲーマー御用達だと僕は思ってます。光がついているかで判別できるので、ゲーム中に熱唱していたのを野良でマッチングした方に聞かれて死にたくなったあの思い出は忘れられそうです。 I have to actually think about it to let the battery run all the way down because it takes so long.
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