This option is being offered as a courtesy in lieu of sending your item to us for inspection, which is our normal warranty process. The body fits well but the lid is the issue. hoka sky toa Instead you have to turn them on and listen for the earphones to tell you which one they are. I ended up going with David Clark H10-13. hoka sky toa Just in case you have not realized, on the packing slip is the “Notice: all returns are subject to a restocking fee of 10%” AND they do not provided exchanges— you must return and rebuy. hoka sky toa Love the packaging (use the containers for other bathroom products), sturdy design for rough ear cleaners, able to get into multiple areas (great for the canals in dogs ears too for good cleanings). One of my bikes needed a longer bolt, but the bolt threads are the same as all kickstands so I used the old hardware for the installation. Together, the setup creates a really rich sound. hoka sky toa I have purchased four of these Blu-ray players from Amazon over the years and each one has died completely with in a year and the last one died within four months. Very cute for the price.
hoka sky toa