the frame is very sturdy. Lieferung innerhalb von 24 Stunden mit UPS erfolgt, gut verpackt, das Headset top. zeraora teddy See the pic that I posted of the pad developing a bubble. Were done with Alegria and will instead take the lesson and throw away the shoes. zeraora teddy But neither wet a match for the Sonys in terms of music listening (using default settings for all). zeraora teddy mega non-slip sole. Lo máximo These headphones are not fancy per say, they are plastic but they dont look incredibly cheap either, they have a nice swirly metallic design on each ear piece and they look overall decent in my opinion. zeraora teddy My current pair were getting old. Look well made and quite comfy but Im wondering if there will be enough padding in the soles/insoles to prevent sore feet after standing all day in the shop.
zeraora teddy