I had the computer on 100% and the player on 150% and still had trouble hearing a movie. Their home life is Leave It to Beaver, too! ol roy soft dog food Next time I know that I need to order smaller size. The better the components, the better they sound. ol roy soft dog food Also Judy Geeson sings a song in the movie, but it is not on the soundtrack. ol roy soft dog food According to Sennheiser, they should be good for 25 hours of battery life, which is very impressive and means that I should only need to charge them every couple of weeks. My 3rd pair of these arrived earlier than expected. In-ear sound quality: Spotify is brilliant on the Pixel and absolute garbage on the Chromebook (*edit: you need to click the button on the side of the headphone to switch the usb light to blue in order for spotify,youtube,etc to sound good). ol roy soft dog food Noise cancelling is pretty good, still messing with which ear piece size Im using. Even big, flat feet like mine look good in these.
ol roy soft dog food