Es liegt mir fern, diese wirklich sehr, sehr guten Sennheiser-Kopfhörer schlecht zu machen, denn das sind sie beiliebe nicht. Los Sony dan 30 horas de batería a volumen medio con cancelación de ruido y 38 sin él, mientras que estos Sennheiser dan unas 20 horas con cancelación de ruido y 30 sin él (Aunque es probable que sean menos por el tema de que al tener que subir más el volumen la batería se reduce). merrick limited The bag needs to be loaded with a bias toward the front of the car if not full. No it will not be as sleak, but when paying good money for audio you should be getting above subpar sound. merrick limited This was a gift which is now in Canada, so Amazon was not accommodating a return that was suitable for our requirements. merrick limited Needed to find a way to organized all the shoes I had thrown down in my coat closet, it fits perfectly. Why did I upgrade? Well. Eases discomfort in my arthritic knees & ankles. merrick limited Comes with extra set of keys. My husbands shoes are a size 10 and I had to turn those sideways because it kept the door from closing all the way.
merrick limited