I wouldnt expect to get years and years of heavy use out of them, but I only intend to wear them for around-town errands. The 8 1/2 fit a bit tight and the 9’s fit but then I wore them. stopping a dog from pulling How I achieved it was by putting some onto an old toothbrush and then sweeping it across the cork area. I would definitely recommend these to anyone whos looking for a set of buds for work and recreational. stopping a dog from pulling It will hold 6 winter coats. stopping a dog from pulling I checked inside the door of the back of the speaker and BATTERY CAPACITY SAYS 7. The pair I received after that seems to still be slightly misshapen, but its not as prominent or painful on the new pair. She seems to like them but I dont think shed tell me otherwise if she didnt. stopping a dog from pulling The depth of my door is not that thick! Only nit is that the mic either broke or sucks.
stopping a dog from pulling