Slight padding on the straps adds good comfort Great sound great size lany varsity crewneck This pair actually has tighter headbands which allow the muffs to rest comfortably over my ears without it digging into my skull. Without the strap flipped to the back I have to either grip with my toes or kinda shuffle when I walk otherwise they kind of shift around on my feet, but I adjusted quickly and didnt find this to be and issue either. lany varsity crewneck What you do need to know is its easily the best one on its budget range. lany varsity crewneck Sounded really good when it first arrived and we were pretty happy with it. I also didnt trust just four screws per bracket. Same exact thing happened with the replacement pair. lany varsity crewneck I spent quite a few days searching on Amazon for a pair of high quality slippers that were comparable and finally settled on these. Well this is one time when reading the reviews didn’t work out to my advantage, normally they are great.
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