ケーブルは程よい太さでしなやかなため、扱いやすい。しかし、マイクの延長に使ったところ、すさまじくノイズを拾い使い物にならなかった。ケーブルを切断してみると、シールド線ではなく、外皮の中に3本のコードがあるだけでした。説明文には「二重のシールド」と書かれていたのに残念です。あまり長くないものをヘッドホンやLine(AUX)接続に使うならいいかもしれません。マイクに使うなら若干値段は高くなりますが、シールド線を使っているものにしましょう。MillSO のものも買ったのですが、こちらはきちんと2重シールド(アルミ箔+網線)になっていて、性能は良いです。 Did not like the smell. clarissa quad ii Un peu trop juste Ive bought flutter sleeves from discount mail order catalogs and have been VERY disappointed in the quality of the fabrics used . clarissa quad ii They attached with no issues and dont have issues with sliding around. clarissa quad ii It even has a decent low end. The strength of the Straight Outta Compton lies in the characters who are portrayed as flawed, yet determined young men who formed a powerful bond thats shattered by the lure of fame and brought back together by the realities of mortality. I put these on at the DSW, and found them comfy. clarissa quad ii With phone in my pocket it was good, had a couple of split second drops as I was moving around but I havent had bluetooth yet that didnt have that when you were moving at all. I was looking for something I can actually have IN my shower to listen to the news in the morning.
clarissa quad ii