Fate i segni dei due fori sul muro usando la livella per farli dritti, trapanate per circa 7cm inserite i fischer, date un paio di colpetti (piano) con martello di gomma / ferro per farli aderire perfettamente al muro avvitate le viti e lasciate circa 1cm di distanza tra la testa della vite e il muro. The hoop swings open and has a little click sound when you close them. blue skate high vans Please let me know if this was helpful and feel free to reach out if you have any other questions! I Googled to see if a gadget such as this one existed, and sure enough, it does. blue skate high vans It retails for $70. blue skate high vans ) Bose- Also comfortable. I bought it because I lose the screw of my garmin mount, so I saw it, like it and decided to give it a try. AirPods give you the choice to reassign which is great but there is no need with these as you can do all of them with different tap combinations. blue skate high vans The charging case looks like it can take a few punches in case you drop it or keep it in a purse filled to capacity with everything under the sun. I am upset and am going to contact the seller for a refund.
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