Like these but they seem to run a little large. All the other earbuds and even my BT Over the Ear headphones only used the right ear speaker during phone usage. love moschino glitter high top So easy to put on and take off. Very soft and comfortable! love moschino glitter high top Very comfy but whats the purpose of half calf in these? More of a walk the dog or walk to work, If youre going in streams it will fill up. love moschino glitter high top But not good if you’re outdoors and need to hear things to avoid an accident. I do a lot of different exercises, so if you are just using it for weights or for trimming you, it should work for you. I also like the their arch support, my flat feet did not feel any pain after a whole day shopping yesterday. love moschino glitter high top 5cmで24と25で迷いましたが、他の方のレビューと通常のtevaサンダルは25cmを履いているので25cmを購入。通常のtevaサンダルの時はあまり気にならなかったのですが、幅広やや外反母趾気味のせいか、ゴム紐を固定している革が親指と小指のつけ根(一番出っ張っている所)に当たるのが気になる。履くうちに革が柔らかくなって気にならなくなると良いけれど・・・ I used these headphones for work as a call center.
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