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Usually Energizer seemed the most expensive so I gravitated to Duracell. It broke in the first few months.
best sweat slim belt I still need to adjust the length of this one, but was really impressed how smooth it was. I was looking for a nice shoe that would not irritate my Morton’s Neuroma and these did the trick.
best sweat slim belt I groaned and explained to her that the reps, at least the ones at my local store, didnt know their butts from a hot rock.
best sweat slim belt I ordered 2 of these and BOTH came BROKEN! The instructions do not match the bars (bars are to indicate which is the front bar vs the back bar, the bars only say L and R). Fits the hole and keeps the shelf up.
best sweat slim belt It would have been so easy for them to just put a clip in that place. I liked them enough that I bought a second set for when I load 2 yaks.
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