I have small feet of an average width and there was no way these could be worn comfortably. So I have to use the plastic piece that fits around the ear and its so tight that it irritates the back of my ear. ck 300ml They are too slippery! We will see if I get a refund or a replacement. ck 300ml Probably delayed). ck 300ml Due to the T10 and their lack of functionality, in this case volume control, I was accustomed to just throwing the T10 into my ears without a second thought which is exactly what I did with the CKS5TW, hence unaware of the volume on the buds themselves. Tried these headphones while walking along moving train and close to a construction site - still can hear the sound without discomfort. Off calls, I use it to listen to music , presentations, etc. ck 300ml Clogs are not suppose to be a snug fit. I have two of these, along with their case for the iPhone X.
ck 300ml