It felt too big until I put put on a thicker sock. I received a voucher for a new pair within hours of my application. ice bear stuff toy I provided 4 stores bc I am waiting 2 decide how sturdy these sandals r. They are so cute and perfect for small spaces. ice bear stuff toy The bass is so good. ice bear stuff toy he eventually won. The ear cups are also very comfortable. Es ist aber noch genug Raum sowohl in der Länger als auch in der Tiefe, dass andere Modelle auch ohne Probleme passen sollten. ice bear stuff toy WHAT I LIKE:[+] high quality material with good padding inside to protection[+] can easily hold 2 tennis racquets without being tight (maybe 3 racquets?)[+] wide shoulder strap with thick and comfortable shoulder pad, which is not found in most tennis bags[+] padded handle so have the option to carry it by hand rather than on your shoulder[+] extra zippered compartment for storing phone, wallet, keys, etc separate from the tennis racquet[+] fabric zipper pull tab is also a nice touch[+] priceWHAT This is described as usable for tablets , sure if your tablet is sized as a phone .
ice bear stuff toy