The instruction is not very clear so you need to pay much attention on the steps, otherwise you have to disassemble and reassemble it which took most of my time. The sound is nice and crisp and Im getting more volume out of these that what I was getting from my old ones. skechers go run coral I did tried out several double sim phone before. I love love this AirPods’ case! skechers go run coral Im no quality expert but I love listen to audio books and all genres of music. skechers go run coral Really great product! I’m pleased because while I can wear jeans to work, it is always safer to wear actual pants. My feet want to be naked all the time so I cant wait for warm weather when I can wear these all the time. skechers go run coral Passt perfekt eigentlich gute Qualität wenn der unangenehme Geruch nach kurzer Zeit nicht wäre. Except these, the seller responses promptly to my questions and the light is truly cute.
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