only a few days into wearing them he lost 1 shoe overboard on our boat in the lake behind our house. Being 0 for 2 on my most recent purchases, and not being able to return two obviously defective pairs of shoes is not sitting well with me. moralstories26 Love this item. It is one of the best out there, from the design and comfort to the quality of the audio and its overall value. moralstories26 si no escuchas a alto volumen tu música y quieres un clip para llevar a dondequiera está bien. moralstories26 The soft rubber pieces are “grippy” and will hold whatever you have firmly. So happy with the cost and how dependable they are so far! Hip hop and rap sounds brilliant on the headphones (as well as bass centric electronic music), but so does metal, rock, and even more mellow stuff like Johnny Cash. moralstories26 B. It spins smoothly and everything stays in place.