So, I had to visually match the parts to their pictures on the instructions and then sort them before I could assemble anything. Ein Originalaustausch erscheint mir jedoch nicht möglich (und von Seiten des Herstellers auch nicht gewollt?), da deren Befestigung nicht geschraubt, sondern genietet ist. nike zoom pegasus 24 The main connection to the base has some wobble where the elevation is set, but it does not affect use or accuracy. I might just cut off the sleeves and sew them to another dress, because they do look nice nike zoom pegasus 24 Luckily for me, the labels are easily removable! nike zoom pegasus 24 They dont make my ears warm and sweaty. Let me get into each of them one by one. good idea, cause the clips arent the best quality and for sure wont stand up to anything heavy. nike zoom pegasus 24 For that reason Im giving them 4 out of 4 stars. Just go to rainbowsandals.
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