Spend a little more and get something bigger to hold your towels. When doing the pulldowns, 45# plates are most awkward as I need to move my seating position further out of true vertical orientation in respect to the overhead pulley for the weight plates to clear my bench during the reps, but 25# plates and smaller are no problem at allMy standing exercises (tricep work, straight-arm pressdowns, etc) worked perfectly and the swinging of the weight stack is much less of a concern for these as are any clearance issues pertaining to larger weight plates. sneakerdrip These are the cutest Q-tips I’ve ever seen! When I first turned it on I was a bit freaked out. sneakerdrip It is loud with great quality sound. sneakerdrip But you know what? I dont listen to the vault and it does what it is supposed to do. The hooks that go around the ears feel comfortable enough though. For the price the bet isnt bad. sneakerdrip I appreciate that Bellalens is allowing exchanges if necessary. For some reason when using with my Ipad, Siri is constantly getting triggered when I move it and/or it starts playing Itunes automatically.